Bloom Growth Logo

Bloom Growth Logo

Run Better Meetings

Weekly Meetings

Team meeting portal

One-on-one Meetings

One-on-one meeting portal

Texting Actions

Capture items from your phone


Visualize and give live examples of your ideas

Meeting Minutes

Meeting summaries—automated

Measure Success


Measurables to track each week


Goals to complete each quarter

Optimize workflows


Items to complete each week


Identify issues so you can solve them

Zapier Integration

Connect with your favorite platforms

Promote Transparency

Org Chart

Company functions and roles

Business Plan

Company and department vision and traction


Keep your company documents in one convenient place

See all solutions

4 Types of Business Goals to Set This Year

4 Types of Business Goals to Set This Year

Nothing screams “end of year wrap-up” like reflecting on everything you’ve achieved with your business. It’s an exciting time to celebrate with everyone you’ve worked so hard with. The part about measuring all your wins over the past year is the fact that your...
Imposter Syndrome: What it is & how to stop it

Imposter Syndrome: What it is & how to stop it

So you’re at work. Someone asks you to do something you’ve done a million times before. But suddenly, for some reason, you can’t help but feel like you’re not doing it right. What gives? Imposter syndrome, most likely. A 2019 review by Bravata, et. al. suggests that...