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Get to know the women attending the FIM Unstoppable Summit

Oct 27, 2023

These ladies are excited to be part of the Female Integrators Mastermind (FIM) Unstoppable conference this year. FIM is one of our partners that we absolutely ❤️. Here’s your chance to get to know the ladies attending FIM even better.


What makes her a bada*s
Her adventurous spirit compels her to live vividly. She laughs heartily, dances freely, and squeezes joy from each moment. People feel her warmth and light up around her.

Her biggest passion project
She doesn’t have just one standout passion project, but she gets excited about meaningful work that makes a positive difference for others. That’s a big reason she recently dove headfirst into creating content for speaking engagements.


Introverted extrovert!

Her hero

The women in her family. She is proud to come from a line of bold, fierce, independent women who have always fought to ensure their voices are heard.

Her mantra

“I am brave, brilliant, and deserving to be in this space.”


What makes her a bada*s

Her unique ability to manage projects through proactive planning, relationship building, and organizing for efficiency—it’s one of the many things that make her a bada*s. She does this so that others can experience an abundant, free, and joy-filled life.

Her biggest passion project

Her biggest passion is mentoring and coaching others that are willing to say “no” to too much, say “yes” to the right thing, and put in the work. 


Ambivert—she can go either way. 

Her hero

Queen Esther—she was willing to approach the King of Persia unbidden at the cost of her life for the sake of her people.

Her mantra

To create an abundant and joy-filled world by teaching others the freedom to hear from God.


What makes her a bada*s

Kathy is a bada*s woman of integrity and character. You can trust her to be true to her word. She is fiercely loyal to those she loves and will use her superpowers to help them succeed in whatever they choose to do. 


Her biggest passion project

Restoring/rehabbing houses in rural central Illinois. This brings affordable, sustainable housing to low- and middle-income families while bringing life back to houses that otherwise would be torn down. When a family moves into one of the restored homes, it brings a vitality to the neighborhood that was missing and creates a community. This impacts so much more than just one person owning a home.


Introvert—Kathy loves to be with those she loves but she requires time to herself to recharge. 

Her hero

Kathy’s hero is her maternal grandmother, (Angela) Dorothy Montgomery. She single handedly raised her children with grace and discipline while her husband was at war. Her family’s health, wealth, and longevity came from her deep love for them and her commitment to work hard—she would invest her energy in herself first and then in those around her. 

Her mantra

Stop telling yourself you’re not qualified, not worthy, or not experienced enough. Growth happens when you start being the change you want to see in the world. 


What makes her a bada*s

She sees the big picture and loves finding creative ways to build things. She enjoys everyday moments fully, navigating life’s peaks and valleys with curiosity and grace.

Her biggest passion project

Raising girls to be bada*s women.  Having one daughter, one stepdaughter, seven nieces, and 22 members of a Girl Scout troop for nearly a decade, Becky enjoys helping girls and young women discover and know their value. She encourages them to develop their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—to learn to take risks, own their happiness, and trust their gut—to partner up for the greater good.


Both. Naturally an introvert—she enjoys a lot of quiet time to rest and recharge. On occasion an extrovert—like when pursuing her passions or as needed in the various roles she leads. She’s also known to be an extrovert after a glass of wine or two! 😊

Her hero

Her mom. She’s a strong 80-year-old bada*s woman, born leader, and life-long teacher. Having overcome her own adversities along the way, she instilled positivity, independence, and resourceful life-skills in all the women of her family.  

Her mantra

Life is a moment-to-moment phenomenon. Live from the heart, love deeply—daily.  


What makes her a bada*s

She’s resilient—she’s got grit. Her life has been etched and stretched by challenges—she’s resilient and never gives up. She looks on the sunny side of life even when it seems that she has no reason to. 

Her biggest passion project

Writing a sequel to her original children’s book (the Adventures of the Lollipop: We’re Going to the Moon!) that honors her best-friend, grandmother—Shirley “Meme” Allen. Meme was her biggest inspiration in life, and it’s her goal to honor their love and friendship in a creative way that allows others to be immersed in the relationship that helped shape her life.


Extrovert—you’ll usually find her telling a story, though at other times she may seem reserved because she seeks to understand others through listening and observation.   

Her hero

God—for being her Savior, Protector, Comforter, Counselor, and Friend.

Her mantra

“There is a reason and season for everything. The storm will eventually subside and the horizon will become clear—keep going.”


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