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How to increase your productivity in 5 simple steps

Consider the ripple effect of accomplishing more of the right things in your workday, fostering a culture of success and inspiration among your colleagues and team members. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in your career, maximizing your productivity can lead to...

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Run Effective Meetings
How to Run an Effective Meeting

How to Run an Effective Meeting

Why do so many people HATE business meetings?

In talking to thousands of entrepreneurial leaders over the last 20 years, I’ve heard words and phrases like “endless, pointless, exhausting, inefficient, unproductive, etc.” In short, most meetings are a frustrating waste of valuable time.

stepping stones in shallow water | micromanaging EOS rocks
Micromanaging Goals

Micromanaging Goals

Some leaders and managers have been tempted to deviate from the 5-minute rock review we teach in the Weekly Meeting, desiring something more detailed than a simple, on track/off track, report.

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