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Automate Quarterly Review prep with Bloom Growth

Jul 19, 2018

You already know how valuable running an effective meeting is for developing your team and ensuring you’ve got the right people in the right seats.

In our experience, quarterly meetings require some prep work, since most supervisors prepare written notes to guide the conversation with their direct reports. But what if you could automate the process? Well now, you can! We’re happy to share that now you can with Bloom Growth!

With this, we’ve bundled the Org Chart, Business Plan, and Quarterly Review into one package. The module streamlines your people processes by pulling in what you’ve already got in Bloom Growth. Here’s how it works.

1. Quick and easy prep for annual reviews

The review section gives you a ready-to-go environment to quickly take notes about what’s working and what isn’t working. There’s a form you can use for each of your direct reports.

Each employee’s roles are automatically populated from the Org Chart and the Core Values in your Business Plan. Simply select your team members and fill out a short questionnaire. That’s all there is to it!

Annual Reviews

The tool includes various assessment sections that you can use for your Annual Reviews:

  • Core Values assessment, imported from the Business Plan
  • Roles assessment, imported from the Org Chart
  • Goals assessment
  • General comments

2. Automating the Process

According to one survey, 82% of business owners aren’t getting enough from their people. Bloom Growth has designed the tool to resolve those frustrations. Once your notes are filled out in the Quarterly Review section, they’re auto-populated. There, you can see the results for you and everyone who reports to you. A timeline lets you see all of the previous notes, so that you can review people’s Annual Review histories over time.

3. Conducting Conversations

To prepare for your in-person conversations, Bloom Growth enables you to easily print your notes for your direct reports. The printed report gives you a side-by-side view of the scores and comments you and your direct report entered.

Make these conversations easy each quarter

With Bloom Growth, prepping for your Quarterly Review is easy as pie. In fact, we’re making it even easier to fall in love with Bloom Growth—we’re offering a 90-day free trial of the People Tools module. Start yur free trial today!


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