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Online business learning


Nurture every member to tend to your organization like leaders with our world-class business learning modules—curated by our learning experts.

Online business learning


Nurture every member to tend to your organization like leaders with our world-class business learning modules—curated by our learning experts.


The root of BloomU

Through this evolution to Bloom, we’ve had more room for growth in our company than ever before. This means time to focus on the needs of our clients and hone our products to reflect our core values.

What is BloomU?

BloomU is an entire platform dedicated to nurturing every layer of your organization. Here you will find learning paths for core business practices—from running meetings on a leadership level to keeping accountabilities clear and simple.

With specialized content covering high-level entrepreneurial topics, BloomU has something for every member of your team.

What can you find in BloomU?

  • Learn at your own speed with self-paced and on-demand learning modules
  • Learning paths relevant to all layers of your organization
  • Learn to identify patterns and trends from your metrics
  • Learn how to assertively make decisions like a leader
  • Learn how to write and utilize marketing strategies
  • Accessible to every member of the Bloom Growth™ ecosystem
  • Best software for entrepreneurs looking for comprehensive business learning
  • Learn best practices in business development with leadership-level training

Learning Paths

Every member of your organization—from leadership down to all teams—can choose learning relevant to them and self-pace what and how they learn. You can choose from paths in accountability, vision, meetings and more.

Accountability & The Organization

Learn how to build a high functioning Org Chart to never wonder ‘who can I go to for help?’ again. When responsibilities are clearly defined, teams function smoother.

Business Plan

This path will get your entire team on the same page and working in the same direction. Find learning modules on Vision, Core Values, Focus and more.

Weekly Meeting

This powerhouse path highlights every section of the Weekly Meeting agenda. Here, every member can understand the value of Issues, Metrics, To-dos and more.

Leading Indicators

Your team will learn how to use leading indicators to identify patterns and trends, forecast issues, and make assertive decisions.


Learning like never before

We’ve seen the pitfalls of traditional business operating systems. We’ve seen leadership teams invest tens of thousands of dollars to bring clarity and traction for it to get lost in translation as it flows throughout the organization. Not anymore—BloomU empowers every member to tend to your organization like leaders with trust and confidence.

World-class business learning tools of this caliber have previously only been accessible to leadership teams. BloomU gets essential business knowledge flowing through every layer of your organization.

Want to know more?

 See what our beta testers have to say about their learning experience in BloomU.

I think this (course) boils this down to the basics to help everyone understand. Just the right amount of information to help them understand the concept.”

BloomU beta tester

“This was really good! Very well thought out and easy to follow. I really loved all of the flip cards and the interactive nature of the training. Lots of ways for people to learn and then implement.”

David Baughman

BloomU beta tester

“This module is very clear on how the meeting should be run. It also gave some items to watch out for. I loved the metrics example to show how to find the leading indicators! That is always so hard to help teams understand.”

BloomU beta tester