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Run better meetings

1:1 Meetings

Getting team members on the same page is a must to save time, accomplish goals and maintain everyone’s sanity. One-on-One Meetings is the perfect meeting software feature for the job.

Solve Issues in real time

Create, update and close Issues in real time. You can even text new Issues to the agenda anytime, from anywhere. Catch them on the Issues List at your next meeting.

Stay on time and on topic

The One-on-One Meeting agenda generates automatically, so there’s no prep work! Never chase down an Issue or Metric again. Plus, the built-in timer helps you pace your meeting for each agenda item.

Track your To-Dos

Escalate accountability with our To-Do completion tracker. By letting your team monitor your completion percentage, you have a better shot at increasing your completion rate.

Everything you need for One-on-One Meetings

Bloom’s 1:1 meeting software eliminates prep work for your meetings, helps you navigate the agenda, and lets you focus on your one-on-one meeting.

Same day meetings, same great features

Ready to slam dunk your meetings without breaking a sweat?
Use all the features you love:

  • Rank Issues: prioritize the top three Issues with a click, and solve them for good
  • Embedded Business Plan and Org Chart: access them online, 24/7
  • Zoom video conferencing:  participate remotely or on-the-go
  • Meeting ratings: rate the meeting as soon as it ends
  • Remote access: follow along, in real time, from anywhere that has WiFi
  • Share across meetings: move data to other meetings
  • Archive: pull needed information, including your To-Do and Issue notes

Explore our features

Run better




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