Bloom Growth Logo

Bloom Growth Logo
Insights into the future

Your guide to the evolution of our company

Every client we work with is unique. Unique visions, goals, people, and products. We’re here to guide you through how our evolution will transform your team and help you meet your unique goals. Our ecosystem for growth will ensure wellness and health throughout your org, and get every person functioning like a leader.

Join us on our journey to becoming Bloom Growth.

We’d like to introduce you to Bloom Growth ™ :seedling:
Traditional operating systems and brands use a lot of imagery with rockets and explosions to symbolize momentum. We asked ourselves, “How many people actually go to space in their lifetime?” The answer is: not many, but…

growth is a tie that binds. It’s a fundamental piece of humanity and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial teams are deeply rooted in the growth, nourishment and health of their business. They nurture their people. They utilize scalable, cyclical processes. They tend to the organization with the diverse elements needed for growth.

An organic brand felt natural and right for this season of our organization’s evolution. 
Welcome to Bloom, an ecosystem for growth.

Cultivate leaders across your organization.

We’ve seen the pitfalls of traditional business operating systems. We’ve seen leadership teams invest tens of thousands of dollars to bring clarity for it to get lost in translation as it flows throughout the organization. 


Over the next few months, we’ll be introducing an ecosystem rooted in the health and growth of your entire team.  No longer just for leadership teams. Your entire org will have access to our new online learning academy and tools for transformation. You’ll have confidence your entire team is tending to the organization’s people, process, and product, like leaders.

Online learning academy for leaders and beyond

Your leadership and departmental teams will reap the benefits of our new online learning academy. Here’s a sample of what’s on the horizon:


  • Focus paths — your team can choose their focus path and self-pace what and how they learn. They can choose from paths in accountability, vision, meetings, and more business concepts. We’ll also feature focus paths nurturing team health and professional development.
  • Data — your team will learn to use leading indicators to identify patterns and trends, forecast issues, and decisively take action.
  • Team health — your team will learn how high-functioning teams are cultivated through connection and empathy. They’ll experience how team health supports them in solving issues decisively, quickly, and permanently.

Integrated software you’ll love to use

The legacy Traction Tools platform is powerful but certainly not very sexy. Our engineers are hard at work coding our beautiful, simple, streamlined new platform. You’ll find the same features and tools you’ve come to expect and more with a refined user experience:


  • Workspace/meeting hybrid — have you ever left your L10 meeting to go check something in your Workspace? We have. Now you’ll be able to toggle back and forth between where you work and where you meet.
  • Customizable check-in — the meeting leader will have the choice to start the meeting with a traditional check-in or team health ice-breaker to create connection. 
  • Less clicks — we’ve rearchitected how you’ll navigate the platform. You’ll be able to do more with fewer clicks in less time.
  • Better project management — you’ll get more choice and control around goals and milestones. Automatically create reminders for incomplete milestones.
  • Data — track your leading indicators in weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly cycles. You’ll also get progressive tracking and conditional goals. Add notes in cells and customize how you view all the data in your scorecard.

New terms

Over the coming months, we’ll be unveiling a brand worthy of the future we’re building. We’ll share a new name, branding, and more. Here’s our list of updated glossary of terms for our platform!

Interested in beta testing our new online learning academy?