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Bloom Growth’s new meeting experience

May 13, 2024

As the world around us continues to change, we’re committed to being better than we’ve ever been. We’re thrilled to show Bloom Growth’s new meeting experience designed with better features, better functionality, and better collaboration.

Our fresh, new meeting experience

Since the beginning, our clients have provided us with valuable feedback, and we’ve listened to deliver a sleek, ultra-intuitive meeting experience. It doesn’t just look better—it functions better. We’ve simplified navigation, optimized the layout, and added new features to make your meetings more efficient and engaging. Here are a few of our biggest changes that were requested by our users:

  • Custom goals that allow you to track seasonal data—especially great for lawn care, construction, and similar industries.
  • New metric types that allow you to create weekly, monthly, and quarterly metrics.
  • “Create a quick…” issue, to-do, or headline during your meeting.
  • Enhanced line charts that visualize up to five metrics to simplify data trends.
  • Merge similar issues and their details into one issue.
  • Star voting for an alternate way to prioritize impactful issues with team votes.

These are just a sampling of what makes our new meeting experience better. We’d suggest that you hop into the app and explore all the new features yourself! Pro-tip: if you have a larger team using Bloom Growth and need one of our support team members to host a mini-master class on this, schedule a training time here!

Future updates and changes for Bloom Growth

As a company, we’re committed to being better and developing our app in a way that leads the cutting edge and exceeds the needs of our clients. Our teams aren’t here to develop new features that sound good in a vacuum of our planning meetings. No! We are listening to the feedback of the people who make this all possible—our clients. Hint, hint—please share your feedback with us!

As a result, we’re embarking on a journey of transparency that allows for everyone to see what’s coming next for Bloom Growth. Imagine an experience that looks like submitting a ticket to support and getting real-time updates on the bug fix or watching a short video from our product manager to see which updates are on the roadmap for development. It’s a goal of ours, and we’re starting by providing release notes, which include explanations and tutorials of new features, improvements to existing features, and bug fixes. Learn to your heart’s content at any time by visiting our release notes page.

Empathy for fellow boot-strapping entrepreneurs

Starting from scratch? We get it. We know all about the ups and downs of building a business from the ground up. We’ve been through the challenges and celebrated every single win, no matter how small. Our own journey has really shaped how we help others grow their businesses, starting with making our weekly meetings even better.

Our founder, Clay, developed the first version of what’s now the Bloom Growth app (it used to be Traction Tools) in less than a week. Seeing its potential, our co-founders jumped on board. Fast forward, and we’re now a global team of over 70, supporting different coaching strategies through our app. And get this: we did it all on our own dime, without any outside investors or venture capital.

This matters because it shows how committed we are to improving and growing. It’s not that we think other companies aren’t dedicated. It’s just that we really get the challenges entrepreneurs face because we’ve been there. Ever spent a sleepless night worrying about your choices while eating ice cream on the bathroom floor? Been there, done that. Our experiences help us really connect with the entrepreneurial spirit. Sound familiar?

Taking our new meeting experience for a joy ride

The new meeting experience is chock-full of new features and intuitive updates to existing tools. The new meeting experience is better for your whole team, creating more opportunities for collaboration and smarter ways to work. We invite you to join us for a webinar where we’ll walk you through our new meeting experience along with an interactive question and answer session. It will be a great time to get undivided attention from our support and product team as we unveil our new meeting experience. 

Join the conversation

We love to hear from our clients about what they love, what they dislike, and new ways to use tools that we haven’t thought of yet! That’s why we created a Bloom Growth user group on Facebook so that you can connect with other users and share your own best practices! Plus, we’ll be sharing our product updates here, too. So come on over—let’s hear what you’ve got to say.  


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