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Growing a business: what does it look like for your team?

Mar 22, 2023

If you’re an employer, business owner or entrepreneur, you understand the importance of growth. You know that building and maintaining a solid team of individuals equipped with the right tools is essential to continue developing and expanding your company. But what exactly does this growing process look like? What steps must be taken for everyone involved to remain productive and successful as things change and evolve?

When preparing a business for its next big move, deciding which methods best suit progression can be tricky. With insight into all aspects at play (including meeting software!), these questions become much easier to answer. Let’s take a closer look at how businesses can effectively scale up.

Understanding the basics of business growth

There are several signs that a company may need to grow its employee base. One is an increase in the company’s workload. If the company is taking on more projects or clients than it can handle, it may be time to hire additional staff. Another sign is high employee turnover. If employees are regularly quitting or being let go, it may indicate a need for more employees or to evaluate internal processes. Additionally, if employees regularly work overtime or take on tasks outside their job descriptions, it may be time to hire more staff. Finally, if the company is experiencing growth in other areas, such as sales or profits, it may be necessary to hire more employees to support this growth. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you’ll be excited to know that we have the tools to help!


Overcoming challenges as companies expand

Team growth can be a rewarding experience, but it also presents some unique challenges. Here are six familiar team growth challenges and how to overcome them:

  1. Taking the pain out of meetings—Meetings can become tedious and unproductive if not managed properly. To make meetings more productive, create an agenda beforehand and stick to it. We also wrap up this post with several great tips on using meeting software to nurture company growth.
  2. Delegating effectively—When expanding a team, it’s important to delegate tasks appropriately so that everyone can do their best work. Make sure each team member has clear expectations about their role and responsibilities, as well as the resources they need to succeed.
  3. Handling personality clashes—As teams grow, there may be times when personalities clash or conflicts arise between team members. It’s important for managers to address these issues quickly and fairly to maintain a positive work environment.
  4. Dealing with poor performance—Poor performance can hurt team morale and productivity, so it’s important to identify any issues early on and take steps to address them before they become more serious problems.
  5. Developing strong communication skills—Communication is key for successful teams. It’s important for managers to encourage open dialogue between team members and ensure that everyone feels comfortable speaking up about their ideas or concerns.
  6. Overcoming physical barriers—Physical barriers such as distance or time zones can make collaboration difficult for remote teams or those with multiple locations, but there are tools available that can help bridge the gap between these teams (like Bloom Growth!).


Celebrating and capitalizing on wins

Celebrating and capitalizing on wins helps to motivate individuals to strive for future success. Celebrating small wins can energize your workforce, remind everyone of the goal they set and give them an energy boost to keep going. It also promotes confidence and creates a tighter company culture. Leaders can improve employee outlook by setting SMART goals, tracking progress, having flexible deadlines, breaking down large goals into smaller ones, and celebrating more frequently.

Celebrating the small stuff can have a huge impact on morale and help keep the team motivated. By recognizing successes in both big and small ways, businesses can create an environment that encourages growth and success.

Struggling to set SMART goals that motivate you and your team? Here’s your guide to setting SMART goals, effectively creating more wins to celebrate.


Re-evaluating your team dynamics

As the team grows, it’s essential to take the time to re-evaluate and assess how the dynamics of the group are changing. This process can help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. In this section, we’ll provide questions to ask yourself when re-evaluating how your team functions and valuable methods for improving group interactions.


Understand the purpose of your team

Establish a clear purpose and goals for your team, and verify everyone is on the same page about what you’re trying to achieve:

  • What is the vision and purpose of our team?
  • What are our long-term goals?
  • How will these goals be achieved?


Assess your team’s current dynamics

Evaluate how well your team is currently functioning and identify any areas that need improvement or change:

  • Are we meeting our objectives as a team?
  • What areas do we need to focus on to improve our performance?


Consider how remote working may impact team dynamics

Understand how remote working may affect team dynamics and performance. Take into account any challenges that may arise from remote working:

  • Will having remote workers change the way our team operates?
  • What challenges could arise from remote working?


Gather feedback from your team members

What feedback can each team member provide about how well our team functions and which changes should you implement?


Implement changes to improve team dynamics

Make changes based on the feedback you have gathered from your team members and other sources, such as best practices or research findings.


Monitor progress and re-evaluate regularly

Monitor progress regularly to ensure that the changes you have implemented are having a positive impact on your team dynamics:

  • How often should you monitor progress to keep things moving forward seamlessly?


Adapting to changes in workloads and responsibilities

If your business is evolving, you might experience a change in workload or a complete shift of responsibilities. This is to be expected, as adapting to changes in workloads and priorities can be a significant part of growing a team or business. It can be challenging to adjust, but it can be done successfully with the right strategies. 

Here are a few tips:

  1. Recognize that change is inevitable and necessary for growth. Acknowledging this will help you accept the new situation and move forward.
  2. Take time to understand the new expectations and how they differ from your previous ones. This will help you create a plan for meeting expectations.
  3. Set realistic goals for yourself and break them down into smaller tasks that are easier to manage. Additionally, remember to prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
  4. Stay organized by creating a system that works for you and helps keep track of tasks and deadlines. This could include using a calendar or task list app or simply writing things down in a notebook.
  5. Be bold and ask questions if a task needs clarification or if you need help understanding something. Asking questions shows initiative and can help avoid mistakes or missed deadlines.
  6. Adapting takes time, so don’t expect everything to fall into place overnight—give yourself grace as you learn the ropes of your new role or responsibilities. With patience and practice, you’ll soon feel comfortable with the changes and be able to work more efficiently than before!


Increasing collaboration with meeting software

As businesses grow, it’s essential to ensure that collaboration remains strong. Meeting software can help teams stay connected and productive, even when working remotely or from different locations. To increase collaboration with meeting software, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Select the right tools for your team’s needs. There are various options available with Bloom, ranging from customizable meeting templates and agendas to online virtual whiteboard tools.
  2. Once you have selected the right tools for your team, it’s time to get everyone onboarded and familiar with how they work. You can take advantage of our tutorials and training sessions on how to use the platform effectively. Additionally, setting up guidelines for conducting meetings can help ensure everyone stays on task during virtual meetings.
  3. Finally, it’s essential to set expectations for how often meetings should occur and what topics should be discussed. Regularly scheduled meetings can help keep communication flowing between team members and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their ideas or ask questions. As an added bonus, setting specific goals or objectives for each meeting can help keep everyone focused on achieving those goals on time.

By taking these steps, teams can improve collaboration using meeting software as they grow or expand their business. With the right platform in place and clear expectations established, teams can remain connected and productive from anywhere.

Want more tips on scaling your business in an organized way?
Here are 5 tips to manage organizational scaling.


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