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How to use process documentation for business growth

Jan 24, 2024

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? We are, and a strategy for next level business begins with defining and documenting your processes. Every business has processes in place, but whether or not they are clearly defined and communicated is what matters. The most successful businesses have their proven processes documented so they are repeatable by any team member.

The purpose of documenting process

Your processes are in place so that your team can reach a goal. Without clearly defined processes, teams won’t have confidence that they can reach their goals and may become discouraged when their results are inconsistent. Setting goals for your team is essential for following business growth strategies, but a clearly defined process is what helps guarantee consistent results

How to define your process

If your business’ goals don’t have a process tethered to them, you should gather your team and discuss these three process-defining questions:

  1. How do we get to that goal? (Trace backwards from your goal and map it out.)
  2. Who is involved and what do they contribute? (List every person who is involved.)
  3. What elements are required? (Are there specific business tools, supplies, or training          that are needed to reach the goal?)

Be sure to record your findings and share them in a place where anyone who is involved in the process can easily access them. That way your entire team can repeat the process and—you guessed it—grow your business.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some common processes that should be documented: product launch, quarterly review, customer complaint resolution, marketing campaign launch, budget approval, new hire, etc.

The key to succeeding at process

If you’ve answered those three questions, you’ve already done the hard part—defining your process. Now, the key to making your process work is effectively communicating it with your team. 

At Bloom, we leverage Whale so that our proven business processes can easily be shared and replicated by anyone on the team. First, we define our processes in Whale. Then, we assign those processes to anyone who needs access. Whale even offers monitoring and reminder tools to help keep your team on track. Plus, you can easily update your processes in real-time, ensuring your team is up-to-date without delays.

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