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Three simple steps for entrepreneurs to reach goals in 2024

Dec 20, 2023

Did you know that the framework for reaching your goals is really quite simple? Now, hear us out. It’s not easy, but the concept is simple. You can reach your goals with three simple steps—define your goal, make a plan, and take action!

As an entrepreneur, you already know that you wear a lot of hats, but being a visionary is probably high on your list of competencies. Let’s explore what you need to do in order to reach your goals this year!

Step 1: Define what your goal is

This step in the process is the fun part—yes, work can be fun. You may need to spend some time with your team brainstorming before choosing what your goals are. At Bloom, we like to imagine all that is possible and see where we can help create new possibilities. So, no matter how unattainable or big your goal may seem—write it down. There’s a reason you want to get there, and without documentation, there’s a good chance that you may not revisit the idea.

For the goals that you decide are better suited to pursue at a later time, add them to your business plan under long-term business goals. This ensures that your ideas are kept top-of-mind and that you can revisit them during special planning sessions in the future. It also helps your team understand the direction that you intend to go in as a company.

Lastly, the most important part of defining your goal is making it a SMART goal. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Ensure that your goals are all of these things, then you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Make a plan to achieve your goal

The second piece of this framework is the most complex. Goals without a plan are just dreams—and while we love a good dream, we love seeing them come to life even more. Here are some questions you’ll want to ask while formulating your plan.

  • Does the goal align with your core values?
  • What needs to happen to achieve your goal?
  • What resources will be required to reach this goal?
  • When does this goal need to be completed?
    • Is the date a deadline, or can the goal date be moved?
  • When will you start working on this goal?
  • Are there milestones that can be added to the goal?
    • If there are, what are the milestones?
  • Whose participation or which departments will be required?
    • Do those team departments or team members have the bandwidth to help?
    • If not, do you need to outsource fractional leadership? Hire more people?
  • How will you measure the success of your goal?
  • What could go wrong—are there any blind spots?

Some of these questions will often require the resources and input from multiple departments. Be sure to answer them in as much detail as possible in order to avoid any unexpected obstacles along the way.

Step 3: Take action

With a clear plan in place, now it’s time to take action. This is the most exciting yet hardest part of the goal setting process. It’s essential that your team knows every element of the plan that you’ve constructed in order to see it to completion. Without clear communication of goals, understanding of necessary metrics and milestones, and accountability, your team will not be able to effectively help meet and exceed your goals.

Fortunately, Bloom Growth offers business tools to help your team reach goals with the least amount of interruptions to your business. Our fully-customizable workspace and meeting agendas allow for your team to stay on track and accountable. Additionally, the org chart and business plan lend to transparency.You can even optimize your workflows with automations available through our integration with Zapier.

Alright, entrepreneur—we know that you have what it takes. Are you ready to take action? If you don’t have the business tools you need to reach your goals this year, try us free for 30-days. We’ve got a team that’s eager to help you create new possibilities for your business, and we’re confident that you’ll see the benefits that Bloom has to offer.

No contracts or crazy hoops to jump through—just new possibilities knocking on your door.

Ready to start living that dream?


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