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What will work/life balance look like in 2022?

Sep 17, 2021

The work world is changing. More companies are transitioning to a hybrid or remote team structure than ever before. According to a report on the future of work published by PWC, one of the main components of the new work world is the huge desire for company growth. What better way to grow your company than expanding your hiring reach by switching to remote?

With that being said, the influx of remote workers means many people are new to working from home. They’ll need to figure out how to work remotely without burning out—something that’s easier said than done. Let’s take a look at how to navigate the wild west of the work world.

What even is work-life balance?

At Bloom Growth, we try not to compartmentalize our lives. Work life, personal life—at the end of the day, it’s all just life.

However, that’s not to say that different aspects of your life don’t require balancing. For example, too much work can impact your personal life, and vice versa. No matter how you like to frame it, finding a healthy balance between your personal life and your career is still essential for your success (not to mention your mental health).

Our predictions

Side hustles will continue to grow

By cutting out commutes and adding some flex time, more and more people have the freedom to turn their passions into side gigs. Having the ability (and time) to work on something you love while also maintaining a stable 9-5 is hugely appealing—and companies should be aware of that reality. To create the most supportive culture possible, make sure you encourage employees to grow in the direction that works best for them.

Unplugging will be harder (and more necessary)

Do we even need to explain how difficult this can be? It can be hard to let go of work-related challenges, and the temptation to bring it home with you is real. The more people move to remote and hybrid office structures, the harder it will be to step away from work, especially when running your own business. To combat the burnout risk, make sure you’re considering the benefits of taking a mental health break for both yourself and your team members.

Onboarding will change

The (immediate) future of the work world might be a little messy. Even if you’ve been working from home for a year already, implementing concrete processes for setting newly remote employees up for success can be tricky. And that’s okay! Ask your employees for feedback on what’s working & what could use some improvement. Don’t be afraid to dedicate time and energy to your onboarding process.

Increased need for flexibility

Flexibility is a huge benefit of working from home. Entering into this next chapter of the “new normal” will require employers to give their team space to incorporate more personal time into their lives. Flextime and paid time off will be a valuable tool for employers to show their team they support them and care about the positive changes they’re making (both professionally and personally).


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