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6 easy tips for goal tracking and achieving big results

Nov 3, 2022

Company-goal tracking is getting a goal from ‘just a thought’ to a fully functioning process. The process of bringing an idea to life can be long and tedious if accountabilities and responsibilities aren’t clearly defined. Watch your goals come to life and projects get completed with our six tips on tracking goals.

1. Schedule a meeting with the stakeholders

Great ideas (or goals) can come from anywhere. Identify which goals can be realistically achieved and schedule a short kickoff meeting for everyone needed for the project. This meeting is an excellent opportunity to gauge time capacity for the request, requirements of the project, brainstorming solutions, etc.

2. Break it down

Goals are easiest to complete when they’re straightforward. This doesn’t mean small, this means each step of getting to your goal should be well-defined and clear to anyone viewing your project. You should be able to glance at your goal-tracking software and clearly understand your project’s direction and current status.

3. Document it

Document every step. From writing the copy to revisions to sending it to design, each step should be documented and available at a glance in your goal-tracking software. This step ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

How to use Bloom Growth™ to simplify company goal tracking.

For non-Bloom members, here are some handy project-planning templates.

4. Set deadlines

Beyond documenting each step, setting deadlines is crucial—especially when working in larger teams. Managing moving parts is simpler when each small step gets completed on time.


Want to learn more about managing deadlines in Bloom?

5. Address and pivot

Harness the power of the issues section in your weekly meeting to remove time-sensitive blockers and keep projects moving forward.  When a blocker comes up in your project, bring it up in your weekly meeting to brainstorm solutions with your team.

If you aren’t using Bloom as your goal-tracking software, try to clearly identify blockers and schedule time with your team to brainstorm solutions.

6. Don’t know where to start?

The metrics and issues sections of your weekly meeting are a great way to find places for growth or future projects. Your scorecard shows you potential pitfalls in your team and Issues give you a chance to brainstorm solutions and put them into practice after meeting to-dos.


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