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Female Integrators Mastermind Unstoppable Summit Recap

Nov 29, 2023

“Educate a boy, and you educate an individual. Educate a girl, and you educate a community.” – Adelaide Hoodless Let’s go girls. After attending the FIM Unstoppable Summit in Omaha, NE, I (Cassandra) had a lot of great insight on what it means to be part of FIM and the power of community.

If you’re wondering what it means to be part of FIM or what one of the summits are like, this will give you a good idea.

What is Female Integrators Mastermind (FIM)?

FIM is a community of female EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System) integrators who are passionate about cultivating the advancement of women leaders through peer-to-peer coaching and a mentoring platform. Each year, FIM hosts a summit to provide networking and growth opportunities for these women.

Many EOS integrators use Bloom Growth’s fully-customizable platform to implement EOS-specific methodologies with their businesses. Bloom Growth has been a long-time supporter of FIM and its members.

Introducing Bloom Lounge

This year, our team envisioned a new experience for the members of FIM attending the summit. Instead of a traditional booth—think a table, brochures, and promotional items—we imagined a place where our friends (and new friends!) could come connect with us. Complete with custom macarons from Macadon, the Bloom Lounge proved to be a fan-favorite and the perfect place to deepen relationships with some of the women at FIM Unstoppable Summit.


Biggest takeaways from FIM Unstoppable Summit

After attending the FIM Unstoppable Summit, I walked away with three words in mind: unstoppable, authentic, and generous. Many of the women that I had time to connect with were returning attendees, but some were there to see what benefits could come from a community of fellow integrators. Curious what you could get from attending the summit? Here’s some perspective to consider.


By definition, unstoppable means impossible to stop or prevent—which describes so many of the women who attended this event. In the opening session, Mary Pat Knight—a coach, mentor, and author—encouraged us to reframe the difficult stories in our lives—to take another look and redefine what opportunity came from it.

Moments just like that—reframing our perspective on what it means to be unstoppable—continued to accumulate all throughout the event. Session after session of influential women shared insights that served as a springboard for new possibilities and ways to optimize workflows.


Arguably the best takeaway from this summit was the interactions amongst the attendees. The electricity in the air was potent—with female integrators talking about ways to optimize their workflows, invest in work relationships, improve company culture, and forging new relationships. Honestly, the vulnerability of struggles they faced paired with the genuine concern for one another has me wanting to go back next year.

I even had the chance to speak with attendees who lived in the same metro area as me, and what came out of that was the invitation and opportunity to connect on a personal, local level. The authenticity that was present with every female in the room sparked inspiration and my imagination for what is possible in the years to come.


Last but not least, Kristie Clayton, the founder of FIM, is one of the most generous leaders that I have had the honor of meeting. How generous? So generous that she surprised every attendee with the opportunity to attend the Shania Twain concert in Omaha, NE! But the generosity isn’t solely tied to a gift—it’s represented by the relationships that are undeniable in the FIM community.

The FIM Unstoppable Summit is an opportunity that female integrators won’t want to miss because of the copious amount of resources and genuine connections available.

How Bloom Growth works for integrators

Integrators play an important role in bringing their visionaries ideas to life. Many of the integrators that attended the FIM summit use Bloom Growth’s ecosystem for growth as a tool in their everyday practice because it helps them run better meetings, measure success, optimize workflows, and create transparency.

Bloom Growth helps create new possibilities for you, your employees, and your business. Those dreams you’ve been dreaming? They’re possible, especially with a business optimizing tool like Bloom.




Ready to become unstoppable?

About the writer of this blog. Cassandra is a content writer for Bloom Growth. This was her first time attending the FIM Unstoppable Summit in Omaha, NE.


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